Therapy Options

Therapy Options



What is Spinal Decompression Therapy

Decompression therapy is an FDA-approved method of relieving pain and disability by repairing damaged spinal discs and reversing nerve degradation. Following examination by the chiropractor, a computer-controlled device gently distracts (pulls very slightly apart) your spinal discs. This decompression of the discs lets oxygen and blood flow into affected areas to speed up healing and relieve pain. Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy specifically treats the diseased disc based on anatomical and physiological principles. A vacuum effect reduces the size of disc herniation and takes pressure off of involved nerve roots. Decompression therapy allows nutrients to be exchanged at the level of the disc and inflammation around the nerve root to be dispersed resulting in reduction or elimination of low back pain. Spinal Decompression is used to treat conditions causing low back & leg pain as well as neck & arm pain, all without surgery.

Well researched & documented spinal decompression helps relieve spinal pain and return patients to their desired quality of life by:

  • Reducing intradiscal pressure
  • Widening the spinal canal foraminal area
  • Reducing pressure on spinal nerves
  • Returning motion to spinal joints

How It Works

Compressed discs put pressure on nerves, causing pain.

Spinal Decompression lifts pressure from discs & spinal nerves, relieving pain naturally.
This is a unique type of traction that applies gentle force, then releases it every minute throughout the session. The gentle stretching and relaxing of the spine fosters a phenomenon called imbition, otherwise known as the way a normal disc gets its nutrition. Conditions commonly alleviated by DTS include:

  • Spinal Disc Herniations and Bulges
  • Degenerative Disc/Joint Disease
  • Posterior Facet Syndrome
  • Sciatica
  • Acute or Chronic Back and Neck Pain
  • Post Surgical Failures

At Breidenbach Family and Sports Chiropractic, all of the Chiropractors are Kennedy-Technique certified and have a top-of-the-notch Kennedy Neural-Flex Decompression table. The Kennedy table is the most sophisticated, technologically advanced, state-of-the-art spinal decompression equipment in the world! This table allows for the patient to be in either the prone (face down) or supine (face up) position for optimal comfort during treatment.

The Kennedy Neural-Flex Decompression table works in conjunction with harnesses that get secured to the table, the patient, and a computerized motor. The amount of “pull” delivering a negative pressure on one’s spine is determined by the patient’s weight. The strength of the pull is specifically designed for each patient and is designed not to cause pain for the patient, but rather alleviate his/her pain through the negative pressure.

Is Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression treatment painful?

Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression treatment is not painful. In fact, many patients find it extremely relaxing and often times fall asleep.

Treatment Quantities and Benefits of Choosing Breidenbach Family and Sports Chiropractic

The severity of each patient’s case will determine the number of sessions he/she will need for treatment. Typically, each treatment lasts about 30-45 minutes. During the treatment, the patient is placed in the most comfortable position for their particular case, while his/her back or neck pain gets alleviated as the Spinal Decompression therapy progresses. Most patients receive in between 20-25 sessions over the course of 4-6 weeks. Progress will be seen over the 4-6 weeks, and depending on how severe the case is positive results may be noticed after just 2 or 3 treatments. It is important to continue going to treatment for as long as one’s chiropractor says it is necessary; for if one stops going to treatment as healing is still occurring, the problem area may regress back to pre-treatment signs and symptoms.

Unique to Breidenbach Family and Sport Chiropractic, patients pay for each individual Spinal Decompression treatment versus paying for a package of 20+ treatments. Every patient may not need 20-25 sessions, so why pay thousands of dollars for a greater quantity of treatments than is needed? Choose Breidenbach Family and Sport Chiropractic to save money and benefit from the most up-to-date equipment.

At Breidenbach Chiropractic we also offer Light Therapy and/or Interferential Electro-Therapy in conjunction with Spinal Decompression Therapy for a quicker healing rate.

Light Therapy has been scientifically proven to speed up inflammation and wound healing/soft tissue repair, increase micro-circulation, muscle relaxation, range of motion, and lymph drainage to help improve immune system function, and finally to decrease pain. This treatment is pain-free. Light therapy is used for a wide variety of conditions back, neck and muscle pain to name a few. (See below for more information on Light Therapy)

Interferential Electro-Therapy is another therapeutic treatment used to aid in the relief of pain and the promotion of soft tissue healing. Tiny amounts of electrical impulses are induced into the tissues in the vicinity of the injury. Where these waves intersect below the surface of the skin, a low-frequency stimulation is created. This prompts the body to secrete endorphins and other natural pain killers to help relieve pain. This treatment is not painful- most patients describe it as a faint “pins and needles” sensation. Interferential Electro-Therapy is most often used for pain relief and to aid in reducing the swelling of soft tissues by helping to reduce atrophy and to increase blood circulation.

This treatment option, along with the Spinal Decompression Therapy, helps quicken the healing process of the disc by allowing oxygen, nutrients and an increased blood flow to enter the disc which repairs the damaged disc over time, all with no pressure being placed on the disc. This treatment will result in decreasing back pain and inflammation around nerve(s) as the disc(s) heal. (See below more information on Electro-Therapy)

For more information on Interferential Electro-Therapy visit the Breidenbach Family and Sport Chiropractic website: /storage/app/media/therapy-options.html

Can I Receive Spinal Decompression Therapy?

If you have chronic or severe back pain caused by bulging or herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and/or facet syndrome, have failed back surgery syndrome, or have been told to consider surgery you qualify.

If you have surgical hardware in the area to be treated, have been diagnosed with a clinically unstable back, have rare conditions such as certain spinal infections, or pelvic or abdominal cancer, have a recent vertebral fracture, suffer from severe osteoporosis, have ankylosing spondylitis, have an abdominal aortic aneurysm, or are pregnant, you do not qualify for Spinal Decompression.


Bulging and Herniated Disc

Therapy Options

Non-surgical spinal decompression can help heal bulging and herniated discs. Before describing how this spinal decompression treatment helps heal the problematic discs, bulging and herniated discs are going to be described in detail. The vertebra of the spine are cushioned with discs: the outer area of the discs are made of tough cartilage, while the center of the discs are made of a softer cartilage. For a bulging disc, the tougher cartilage becomes weak and bulges out from in between the vertebra and presses against the spinal nerves. The most common cause of a bulging disc is aging. As we age our cartilage goes through a lot of wear and tear and eventually becomes weak. For a herniated disc, a jelly doughnut analogy can be used. When a great amount of pressure is placed on the vertebra, a tear may occur on the tougher cartilage. With said tear, the softer cartilage in the center of the disc protrudes outward causing the disc to press against the spinal nerve, similarly to the way a jelly doughnut ejects jelly when it is being squished. Herniated discs can cause numbness, tingling, pain, etc. The most common place for bulging or herniated discs is the lower spine: L4-L5 or L5-S1.

Degenerative Disc

Therapy Options

As we age, our vertebral discs begin to show wear and tear. Our discs which once were capable of providing a tremendous amount of spinal cushion and flexibility begin to show signs of degeneration: disc shrinkage length and height wise, loss of flexibility, dehydration, poor blood supply, etc. Disc degeneration puts one at a higher risk for further spinal complications such as disc herniation and bulging to name just a couple. Non-surgical spinal decompression treatment, which delivers a negative pressure to the discs allows for disc re-hydration as the vertebra are being ever so slightly pulled apart which alleviates any disc pressure. This helps increase the blood and oxygen flow into the disc for healing.


Therapy Options

The sciatic nerve is the largest single nerve in the human body, running from each side of the lower spine to the buttock and branching numerous times down the leg to the foot. Sciatica is the irritation and/or the compression of the sciatic nerve due to conditions such as disc herniation, disc bulging or disc degeneration, and produces such symptoms as numbness, tingling, and weakness in the lower back, buttock and leg. The sciatic nerve connects the spinal cord with the leg and foot muscles, so depending on the location one is having symptoms will determine the origin of the nerve root irritation.

Sciatica L4 nerve root

Pain/numbness to medial lower leg and foot, weakness in foot resulting in the inability to raise foot upwards (heel walk), reduced knee-jerk reflex

Sciatica from L5 nerve root

Weakness in extension of the big toe and ankle (foot drop), pain/numbness at the top of the foot, between the big and second toes

Sciatica from S1 nerve root

Pain/numbness to lateral or outer foot, weakness resulting in difficulty raising the heel off the ground or walking on tiptoes, reduced ankle-jerk reflex

Non-surgical spinal decompression treatment is used to treat patients with sciatica by relieving pressure on the spinal discs and allowing oxygen, nutrients and blood to re-hydrate and revive the problematic discs.

Facet Syndrome

Therapy Options

Between the vertebrae of each spinal segment are two facet joints. Facet joints are small, bony knobs that line up posteriorly along the spine providing a wide range of extension and flexion. Each facet joint is covered by articular cartilage so when the two bony knobs are pressed against each other, their movement is smooth and painless. Facet syndrome can occur after a back injury, fracture, torn ligament, disc problem, even lifting or twisting the wrong way because these conditions all involve misalignments and/or favoring movements. With these conditions it is likely that the cartilage of each facet joint will shrink, degenerate, tear, etc. and the two bony structures will compress with unwanted friction causing pain, irritation, and a decrease in flexion and/or extension of the spine. How does spinal decompression help facet syndrome?

Cervical Radiculopathy

Just as the Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression treatment can help heal the lower spine of injuries like bulging/herniated discs, degenerative discs, and facet syndrome, it can also heal the neck, or cervical spine. Cervical Radiculopathy is the clinical description of pain and neurological symptoms resulting from any type of condition that irritates a nerve in the cervical spine. The vertebra in the neck house the nerve roots that branch out to the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers. Depending on where the irritation is in on the body will depict which vertebrae and/or nerve is in need of healing on the cervical spine. Weakness, numbness, tingling, or pain in the shoulder, arm, hand, or fingers could mean that one has cervical radiculopathy and may qualify for Non-Surgical Cervical Decompression treatment.


Therapy Options Whiplash is most often the result of an automobile collision, but can also be caused from a sports injury or fall, and results in the neck’s muscles and ligaments getting jerked or whipped beyond their normal ranges of motion. Symptoms of whiplash include dizziness, headaches in base of skull, fatigue, pain and/or soreness in the neck. Depending on the severity of one’s whiplash will determine the medical assistance needed. If one experiences numbness, tingling, pain or weakness in the shoulder or down the arm you should contact one of our Chiropractors.

Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

Failed back surgery syndrome is a condition in patients who had an unsuccessful result with back/spinal surgery. Unfortunately, spinal surgery can only do two things: decompress a nerve root that is pinched or stabilize a painful joint. If a patient needs more than an anatomical change, he/she most likely will continue feeling pain. Non-surgical spinal decompression treatment can be used on those who did not have any metal plates, screws, etc. surgically put into their spine. In a recent study involving 32 postoperative spinal surgery patients within one chiropractic clinic, all 32 patients showed improvement in back pain and had no adverse effects having been treated with chiropractic care.

Kruse, R. Chiropractic Management of Postsurgical Lumbar Spine Pain: A Retrospective Study of 32 Cases. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics, 34, 408-412.

Clinical Studies on Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression

“One of the first and largest available studies on the efficacy of non-surgical disc decompression was the data compiled by Gose, Naguszewski and Naguszewski and published in Volume 20 of the journal Neurological Research. The data presented the outcomes of 778 patients from 22 medical centers. These patients had had pain for an average of 40 months. Thirty-one of them had previously undergone low back surgery. The treatment consisted of 10 to 20 treatment sessions. Six patients were excluded from the study because they improved before 10 treatments.

  • 34 patients had extruded discs.
  • 195 had multiple disc herniations.
  • 382 had single disc herniations.
  • 147 had degenerative discs without herniations.
  • 19 had facet pain.
  • 31 of these 778 patients had previous low back surgery.

The Results

  • 1% reported increased pain.
  • 7% reported no change.
  • 92% reported improvement. Of these, 5% iimproved by 25-50%; 17% improved by 50-75%; 70% improvement by 75-100%.
  • Before treatment, on a pain scale of 0-5, the average pain for all subjects was 4.1. After treatment it was 1.2- a difference of 71%.
  • 71% reported that their pain reduced to 0-1 on the 0-5 pain scale.
  • Extruded disc patients reported an average 56% reduction in pain and 53% reported that pain reduced to 0.
  • Multiple herniated disc patients reported a 71% reduction in pain and 72% reported that pain reduced to 0-1.
  • Single herniated disc patients reported a 71% reduction in ain and 73% reported that pain reduced to 0-1.
  • Degenerative disc disease patients reported a 70% reduction in pain and 72% reported pain reduced to 0-1.
  • Facet syndrome patients reported a 72% reduction in pain and 68% reported that pain reduced to 0-1.
  • Of patients who had reported decreased spinal mobility before treatment, 77% reported improved spinal mobility.
  • Of patients who had reported limited activities before treatment, 78% reported improved activities.
  • On a scale of 0-3, the average level of satisfaction with treatment was 2.4, in other words, “very satisfied” to “completely satisfied” with their treatment.

This prestigious study paved the way for the use of spinal decompression.”

Kaplan, E. (2013, September 1). Decompression: Myth, Magic, or Miracle. The American Chiropractor, 30-35.

Here is a list of more clinical studies done on Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression showing how truly beneficial it is for spinal pain.

Journal of Neurological Research: Vertebral Axial Decompression for Pain Assoc with Herniated or Degen Discs or Facet Syndrome: An Outcome Study. April 1998. Vol. 20, No. 3. E. Gose, PhD; W. Naguszewski, MD; R. Naguszewski, MD.

Result: Stated in the above paragraphs.

American Journal of Pain Management: Long-term Effect Analysis of IDD Therapy in Low Back Pain: A Retrospective Clinical Pilot Study. July 2005. Vol. 15, No. 3. C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD; Nirman Koladia, MD; Merrill M. Wesemann, MD.

Result: All 24 patients who participated in the study showed consistent pain reduction and symptom improvements post-spinal decompression treatment when being analyzed a year after treatment.

Practical Pain Management: Technology Review: IDD Therapy. April 2005. Vol. 5, Issue 3. C. Norman Shealy,

Result: A cohort study with over 500 patients resulted in improvement rates between 65-88% and an average pain reduction of 76% one year post-treatment.

American Journal of Pain Management: Decompression, Reduction, and Stabilization of the Lumbar Spine: A Cost Effective Treatment for Lumbosacral pain. April 1997. Vol. 7, No. 2. C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD; Vera Borgmeyer, RN, MA.

Result: The traction (14 subjects) and spinal decompression (25 subjects) treatments were compared for pain relieving. The spinal decompression subjects reported results from “good” to “excellent” in 86% of patients with RID and 75% of patients with facet arthroses. Results of pain relieving for traction did not have a an “excellent” for patients with RID, but did have a 50% “good” to “excellent” for patients with facet arthroses.


One’s diet can significantly reduce or enhance back pain caused by vertebral inflammation. According to Cordain L, Eaton SB, Sebastian A, et. al., the average American’s diet contains approximately 60% of calories coming from sugar, flour, and refined oils. The refined oil, which contains linoleic acid, an omega-6 fatty acid, gets converted into arachidonic acid and then into pain-producing prostaglandin E2 (2005). With a herniated disc or any other injury causing inflammation, a balanced, anti-inflammatory diet low in calories and foods including lean meats and chicken, Omega-3 fish and eggs, fruits, vegetables and nuts can help reduce the inflammation (Seaman DR, 2012). Serving to complement the anti-inflammatory diet certain supplements can be taken: proteolytic enzymes, highly absorbable curcumin, and glucosamine/chondroitin.

  • Proteolytic Enzymes help quicken tissue healing and resume patients back to work/training, etc. in 9.4 days versus those who took the placebo and were able to resume their activities 15.9 days after. These anti-inflammatory enzymes can also reduce the amount of prostaglandin E2- which if you can recall, actually causes pain- to name one, but benefit the body in many more ways.
  • Curcumin works to reduce pro-inflammatory factors like prostaglandins and has not been known to cause any side effects. Curcumin is also known for improving the outcome of post-spinal cord injuries by inducing hind limb locomotion deficits, spinal cord edema, and apoptosis.
  • Glucosamine/chondroitin supplementation focuses enhancing cartilage synthesis and is

typically used in osteoarthritic patients. Ideally, this kind of supplementation is used on patients who consume an anti-inflammatory diet and have a BMI of 25.7 or lower. As with the proteolytic enzymes and curcumin, glucosamine/chondroitin supplementation acts to inhibit pro-inflammatory factors.

Vitamin D is one of the few neglected vitamins, and is perhaps one of the more important ones for bone and spinal health. Vitamin D aids in the body’s absorption of calcium and influences neurotrophin production and release. An adequate intake of Vitamin D is vital. If one becomes highly deficient in Vitamin D, the body will naturally start taking calcium out of the bones increasing the likelihood of osteoporosis and other health diseases. Anti-Inflammatory Herbs such as white willow bark (produces salicin converted by body into salicylic acid similar to aspirin), and devil’s claw (contains harpagosides which are a type of anti-inflammatory).

Magnesium helps maintain normal muscle and nerve function, keeps heart rhythm steady, supports a healthy immune system, and preserves bones strength. Vitamin B12 is key in the functioning of the nervous system. A deficiency in Vitamin B12 interferes with functioning of the nerve’s myelin sheaths which transport nerve impulses/signals. /storage/app/media/back_pain_2.htm


WARNING!Are you currently taking Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, Opioids, or Acetaminophen? These are the most commonly taken pain medications that can more harm than good to your body. Long-term usage of such pain medications can cause serious health risks or even death.

Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs): This class of drug is the most commonly used medication in the world and includes medications like ibuprofen (Advil and Motrin), naproxen (Aleve), and aspirin. Prostaglandins are produced within the cells of the body and are responsible for promoting inflammation necessary for healing, but also results in pain and fever; supporting the blood clotting function of platelets; and protecting the lining of the stomach from the stomach’s acidic environment. There are two different enzymes involved with the production of prostaglandins- COX-1 and COX-2. Both enzymes promote inflammation, pain, and fever. The problem arises when the NSAIDs block the enzymes that produce the prostaglandins, thus the normal prostaglandin activities are reduced. The result is a reduction in inflammation, pain and fever. Another problem with the NSAIDs is that the prostaglandins used to protect the stomach and blood clotting are also reduced resulting in ulcers in the stomach and promote bleeding. /storage/app/media/article.htm

  • NSAIDs (except aspirin) may cause an increased risk of heart attack, blood clots and stroke, which can be fatal. Risks may increase with duration of use. Cardiovascular conditions such as high blood pressure may also increase risk.
  • NSAIDs increase the risk of serious gastrointestinal adverse events including inflammation, bleeding, ulceration, and perforation of the stomach or intestines, which can be fatal and most often occur without warning symptoms.

Opioids: Oxycodone (OxyContin), hydrocodone (Vicodin and Lortab contain acetaminophen), and methadone are the most commonly used opioid drug medications. Opioids act on the opioid receptors in the brain, spinal cord and other areas of the body. These kinds of drugs reduce the amount of pain being sent to the brain by blocking the opioid receptors. An increased tolerance or addictions to opioids are very common.

Acetaminophen (APAP): Acetaminophen found in many drug medications and is used primarily as a pain reliever and fever reducer. It is used in over 600 medications and, if used long-term, is known to cause liver damage and failure, and even death.


The first and foremost advantages of this therapy is:

  • Amplified blood circulation it generates to recover homeostasis
  • Increase muscular range of motion for better flexibility
  • Increase oxygen absorption in the blood stream for better energy
  • Lessen muscle tension and helps patients to enjoy enhanced physical movement
  • Decrease inflammation and muscular toxins for better injury recovery
  • Reduce long-lasting high blood pressure for better circulatory health and stress relief

Therapy Options


a) What is Interferential Electro-Therapy?

It is a therapeutic treatment to aid in the relief of pain and the promotion of soft tissue healing.

b) How does Interferential Electro-Therapy work?

Tiny amounts of electrical impulses are induced into the tissues in the vicinity of the injury. Where these waves intersect below the surface of the skin, a low-frequency stimulation is created. This prompts the body to secrete endorphins and other natural pain killers to help relieve pain.

c) What does Interferential Electro-Therapy feel like?

Most patients find Interferential Electro-Therapy to be extremely beneficial and describe the treatment as a faint "pins and needles" sensation.

d) Why is Interferential Electro-Therapy used?

Interferential Electro-Therapy is most often used for pain relief and to aid in reducing the swelling of soft tissues. Ligament sprains, muscle strains and spasms often respond to this treatment, helping to reduce atrophy and increase blood circulation.

At Breidenbach Chiropractic the pads we use on each patient are disposable. We do not re use the same pads on the same patient. The reason for this is very simple.....we want the very best for every patient.


  • Reduces painful symptoms
  • Decreases local swelling
  • Promotes muscle tone
  • Restores normal movements
  • Releases the body's natural pain killers
  • Accelerates the healing process


Thermostim is three therapies in one treatment!

1. Electrical Stimulation
2. Soft-tissue Mobilization
3. Hot or Cold Therapy

This allows the patient to receive the benefits of all three, at one time.
The Electrical Stimulation reduces your pain and promotes healing by producing your bodies natural pain relievers.
The Soft-tissue Mobilization reduces adhesions in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. Cold therapy reduces inflammation and pain in the area of treatment.
Hot therapy reduces tension in sore muscles by increasing circulation to the area to clear out adhesions.


a) What is light therapy and how does it work?

Light is a form of energy. These light particles are known as photons. Light penetrates the tissue where the photons are absorbed by chromophores in the mitochondria and cell membranes. The absorbed photon energy is converted to ATP and the additional ATP accelerates DNA and RNA synthesis, mitosis, and cell proliferation, resulting in acceleration of tissue repair, inflammation, and pain reduction.

There are 2 different types of light therapy that are used for tissue repair:

1 - Red Light:

  • Resolution of Inflammation
  • Reduction of Edema
  • Pain Relief
  • Superficial Tissue Repair
  • Absorbed in Superficial Layer of Tissue

2 - Blue Light:

  • General Sanitization
  • Bactericidal Effect
  • Fungicidal Effect
  • Kills bacteria when blue light is used, therby minimizing the adverse effects of wound infection. Blue light may be used in conjuction with red and infrared light when infection is of concern.

b) What are the effects of light therapy?

Light therapy has been scientifically proven to speed up inflammation, speed up wound healing/soft tissue repair, increase micro-circulation, decrease pain, muscle relaxation, increase range of motion, and increase lymph drainage to help improve immune system function.

c) What is the difference between light therapy and LASER therapy?

Not a whole lot. LASER is Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. Lasers are not natural, they are a way to transmit the light. Both light therapy and lasers produce the same results. The only difference between the two is, lasers have one wavelength and travel in one direction, while light travels in all directions and covers larger areas, allowing for a broader surface area to treat.

Therapy Options

d) Is it safe?

Yes, light therapy has been in use for over 20 years around the world. Hundreds of clinical studies and scientific papers have documented the effectiveness and safety of this therapy. The FDA has cleared this therapy device for use in the United States. Red and infrared light do not have strong enough wavelengths to produce any damage to a cell. Think about a rainbow, red and ultraviolet are on opposite end of the spectrum. The photons in the UV range (200-400nm) creates a chemical excitation within the cells, which leads to alteration of DNA and RNA synthesis, while photons in the red range (630-660nm) are too weak to do any damage to a cell.

e) How long does treatment take?

Light therapy treatment may last as little as 5 minutes and up to 20 minutes with a total number of treatments varying between 8-15 depending on many factors.

f) When will I feel the results?

Some experience relief a few hours after the treatment, while others who have more chronic conditions may not notice results for a couple visits.

g) Why should I come to your office for light therapy when I can buy a light therapy unit?

It is all about the power of the unit. Most at home units available to purchase are 10-50 times less powerful than the unit we have available in our office. Instead of you spending hours at home treating yourself, your visit with us is only 10 minutes to treat the same area and have the same therapeutic benefit.

h) There is a wide range of conditions that may be successfully treated:

Back Pain, Neck Pain, Muscle Pain, Contusions, TMJ, Tendinitis, Sinusitis, Bursitis, Fibromyalgia, Tennis Elbow, Plantar Fascitis, Wound Healing, Arthritis Osteo and Rheumatoid, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Post Operative Healing, Repetitive Stress Syndrome to name a few.

i)Light Therapy is available at all three locations.

j) What is the cost?

Some insurance companies will cover Light Therapy and those that do not have coverage we do offer a time of service rate.


Therapy Options

a) What is Ultrasound?

It is a therapeutic using high frequency sound waves administered in the region of soft tissue injuries.

b) How does Ultrasound work?

Sound vibrations, as fast as a million times per second, penetrate the tissues deep in the body, creating a heat response. These vibrations and heat help break down and disperse unhealthy calcium and other hard tissue accumulations.

c) What does Ultrasound feel like?

The gel used to conduct the sound waves is at room temperature and may momentarily feel cool to the skin when it is initially applied. Most patients feel nothing, or a pleasant and relaxing sensation below the surface of the skin.

d) Why is Ultrasound used?

Ultrasound treatment can usually be administered directly to the area of complaint, penetrating deep into the body. The rise in temperature, increases blood flow, relaxes muscle spasms, massages damaged tissues, and speeds the healing process. Ultrasound can often help shoulders, elbows, and sports-related injuries to name a few.


  • Highly effective in treating calcium deposition
  • Stimulates healing without irritation
  • Speeds metabolism and improves blood flow
  • Reduces nerve root irritation
  • Enhances the body's natural healing ability


What is Cervical Traction?

The cervical traction unit is used to help traction the spine and restore the natural front-to-back curves of the spine.

It is essential to restore the normal biomechanics of the spine in order to reduce the overall severity of the musculoskeletal and/or scoliosis conditions.


1. Curved piece is placed behind the neck and straight piece under the chin.

2. While standing, the patient bends their knees and applies gentle pressure to the head.

3. Every case is different, therefore the doctor will determine how many repetitions each individual will need. The "normal" amount of repetitions is 50 of which they perform this 3 times per visit.

Therapy Options

Office Hours

La Crosse North Office


8:30 AM - 6:00 PM - Dr. Ben


7:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Dr. Ben


7:00 AM - 6:00 PM - Dr. Ben


8:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Dr. Ben


8:30 AM - 3:00 PM - Dr. Ben


8:00 AM - 11:30 AM - Call for appointment



La Crosse South Office


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 5:30 PM


8:00 AM - 11:30 PM @ La Crosse North

Call for appointment (once a month)



La Crosse North Office

8:30 AM - 6:00 PM - Dr. Ben
7:00 AM - 3:00 PM - Dr. Ben
7:00 AM - 6:00 PM - Dr. Ben
8:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Dr. Ben
8:30 AM - 3:00 PM - Dr. Ben
8:00 AM - 11:30 AM - Call for appointment

La Crosse South Office

8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
8:00 AM - 11:30 PM @ La Crosse North Call for appointment (once a month)

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